Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Title: Stay
Size: 18.75 inches x 42.75 inches x 0.25 inches (Unframed)
Date: October 2008
Medium: CarbOthello chalk-pastel on Arches paper (matted)

I dreamt of a storm that covered the landscape with rushing waters. The only safe place was a great tree with deep roots found at the top of a hill. Instead of fleeing to the mountain peeks, freedom was to be found by staying in the presence of this mighty natural fortress. There is nothing to fear amidst the branches of One who is mighty to save.

The Freedom Show

Art which expressed and celebrated "Freedom" was displayed at the Freeway Cafe (333 King Street East, Hamilton) in November. A number of local artists and musicians exhibited their talents, including Jennifer Lynn Haas and Sarah Dawn Bokma. The opening night drew in huge crowds and was reported to have been a great evening of celebration! Freedom was expressed through original art, lyrical music, and African dance. The art continued to be on display for the entire month. Those interested to purchase the artwork can do so through the Freeway.

limited edition giclee prints are available in 10"x14". priced at $100 each.

Tree of Life
Date: Apirl 2008
Medium: acrylic wash, watersoluble wax pastels, charcoal, conte on paper.

Its branches are gnarled and twisted and they hang heavy on the trunk. Yet the trees' thin shoots always reach straight up to the sky in hopeful expectation. That is like me and you. The tree speaks of both our tendency to settle for twisted lies and how in desperation we cry out to the Lord of heaven to pour out grace and truth on us. As we grow in truth and grace, we reach out to those around us. This tree has a short sturdy base and a wide reach, so in this way it "just takes off" like a vine, spreading out with this good news. There are 6 out of 10 giclee prints of this piece out in circulation. This piece has been featured in Comment Magazine, Nov 2008.